More Than Just A Good Idea, Spring Cleaning Is A Necessity

Spring cleaning is an annual tradition around the world, especially in regions with a pronounced temperature difference between colder and warmer seasons. Complete home cleaning each spring is important because it’s the first chance after a long. partial hibernation to give your home a more thorough and deeper cleaning than was possible during months of cold and often wet weather.

Spring cleaning, from the kitchen to bedrooms and baths, is a prime season for home cleaning.

Dirt, dust, and mold easily accumulate during the darker, closed-in days of winter, negatively affecting air quality. Indoor pets can add to the situation. These may be reasons researchers have found that people who work from home may be at higher risk for developing some types of cancers and respiratory and heart diseases than people who work outside the home.

Microscopic yet unhealthy germs and more than 300 types of bacteria exist beyond refrigerator and oven interiors, range tops, counters, sinks, toilets, and floors – the usual suspects. And while many people are aware of the need to routinely clean and sanitize door handles, light switches, and faucets, they often overlook other hot spots that demand attention:

  • Curtains, drapes, and blinds
  • Seating, cushions, and pillows
  • Windows and windowsills
  • Baseboards, wainscoting, and crown molding
  • Lamps and chandeliers
  • Rails and banisters
  • Fireplace hearths

Hit-and-miss half-cleaning on the fly doesn’t help you live your best life. Not only have you cleaned inadequately, but you have also wasted valuable time doing it – time you’ll never get back. This is where a professional home cleaner comes in as a sound investment, whether to routinely keep your happy home a healthy one or to deliver a spotless environment before and after a special occasion.

So, as the weather warms and you fling open windows to let more natural sunlight and fresh air into the farthest reaches of your interior living spaces, a trained and experienced cleaner can be your best friend. Vacation From Cleaning is what you’ve been waiting for, with friendly and experienced cleaning advisors who enjoy making your home spic and span at an affordable price.

Get a free and quick quote now on your needed services and book one of our experts today.
